Is it Time to Take Off your Jewelry?

Swarovski crystal heart pendant
We know that wonderful feeling when you have a piece of jewelry that just perfectly suits you. Maybe it is a Swarovski crystal heart pendant that is the ideal size and weight, sitting nicely along a lovely silver chain, or maybe you took custom jewelry making supplies to create a one-of-a-kind beaded bracelet that perfectly matches your eyes and hair. Whatever the case, taking off these unique pieces may be something you try and avoid. Let’s take a look at some times when maybe it’s time to overcome that struggle and take off the jewelry… at least for a little while.

3 Times You Should Take Off Jewelry

1. Swimming and showering. The bathtub, the swimming pool, the local river spot, and the ocean all offer fantastic outdoor recreational possibilities. Unfortunately, they also all pose problems to jewelry. Rings sourced from all types of materials risk becoming slick and falling off. The chlorine in the pool and salt in the ocean can damage the precious metals and rocks of Swarovski beads and crystals. So unless you are wearing something truly waterproof, it tends to be a good idea to take jewelry off when swimming or bathing. 

2. Working out. That same salt in the ocean that can tarnish precious metals also exists in your perspiration. So whenever you work out to the point of sweating, whether that is running out in the park or lifting weights in the gym, take off those precious metal pieces. In addition, if you are in the gym, it is a good idea to take off any rings and earrings you might have on. You don’t want to wear rings in the gym because the combination of sweat and many moving machines poses a risk of degloving. Similarly, long, hanging earrings can get caught and tear your ear if you aren’t careful. It is true that some appropriately fit stone beads and other types of jewelry made from wood or stone beading tools and supplies can withstand perspiration and, with the right fit, don’t pose a big safety risk. But small risks are still risks and something you will need to be wary of when working out. Most will find it better to play it safe and remove all jewelry before you head to the gym.

3. Heavy cleaning. What type of cleaning supplies do you use at home and potentially at work? While there are some fantastic eco-friendly, non-chemical cleaning supplies available on the market, most of us still find the need to use more intensive chemicals. After all, nothing can get ugly stains out quite like bleach. But take care as those chemicals are truly stain-fighters, but they can also tarnish your Swarovski beads and crystals. It’s a good idea to either ensure all jewelry is safely tucked beneath your clothes (such as those beautiful pendants) when cleaning or to remove altogether.

Subscribe for All of Your Jewelry Tips & Don’t Forget to Visit Our Store

We hope this piece of jewelry advice helps you as you decide which jewelry to wear and when. When it comes to adding to your collection, you will want to visit our extensive collection available online at Crystal Findings

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How to Wear Bracelet: Without Overdoing it

How to Wear Bracelet: Without Overdoing it

The stylish man and the stylish woman is the individual who knows how to wear accessories and they wear them well. One such accessory that can really finish an outfit and give a person that added pizzaz is a bracelet — but this is true only if you don’t overdo it and you get the right style of bracelet for you and your lifestyle. Think of the simple braided leather bands on the outdoor enthusiast and the sleek bracelet made of sterling silver beads on the scholarly type. 

But how do you determine the right bracelet to wear and how to wear it or them without overdoing it? The following are the three things to consider as you look around at bracelets for sale or beads jewelry making supplies if you plan to make your own bracelets to wear:

3 Things to Look for When Buying & Wearing Bracelets

• Choose the Right Fit and Proportions. While yes, some people can make extra loose bracelets shine and others look slim and fantastic with tight, choker-styled bracelets, they are the outliers. For most people, to get a good look with bracelets requires them to fit so well upon one’s wrist so that only one or two fingers can slide beneath them — not tight but also not overly loose. Additionally, it is a good idea to choose a bracelet based on the overall size of your wrist. In other words, those with slim wrists will look best with bracelets with thinner bands while those with thicker wrists should opt for bracelets with larger or chunkier profiles.

• Overall Style. Ask yourself what is the look you want to go for? In most cases, you are wearing bracelets in order to personalize yourself and your overall look. For example, many men and plenty of women like a more natural look. This means earthy tones, high-end jeans, and dark-colored shoes. For this overall style, wood, leather, and stone beaded jewelry all would look fantastic in complement. For those women who like to dress up and make an entrance, something silver or a bracelet made of gold filled beads would be the better choice.

• Wear for the Event. Just because you have an overall style does not mean that style is right for every occasion. When you are going to more formal events, you might choose a simpler silver or gold chain that adds to but doesn’t detract from your main outfit. In contrast, when you are heading to the park for a jog or to picnic with friends, then you might opt for a chunkier, more personal piece with Crystals. Want to stand out in a crowd? Get a necklace with a prominent Swarovski crystal heart pendant.

Simple is Great, Unique is Best

When in doubt about the right bracelet to wear, the two things to keep in mind are simple and unique. A slim beaded bracelet can go with a thousand outfits and one you make using beading supplies online or retail store online will always be a hit. Visit our online store to learn more. 

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Is Wearing Jewelry While You Workout a Good Idea?

Is Wearing Jewelry While You Workout a Good Idea

Working out and wearing one’s favorite jewelry are two activities that interestingly have a lot in common. After all, we pick out and wear favorite jewelry pieces like a Swarovski crystal heart pendant because we want to accentuate and bring beauty to a part of our body, in this case, our neck and chest. Similarly, most of us work out in part because we want to likewise accentuate the body parts themselves; slimmer and more toned arms and legs. So, when it comes to working out in public, is it any surprise that many people want to wear jewelry?

However, wanting to do something does not mean that it is okay. Before you head out to the gym in your sterling silver beads, there are two big things to consider that will determine whether or not donning on those pieces are a good idea: Safety & Jewelry Quality. 

Safety Issues With Wearing Jewelry While You Workout

The number one type of jewelry that is almost universally a bad idea to wear while working out is rings. Rings are generally a bad idea for workouts, but especially whenever you are using your hands around exercise equipment. This is due to the rigidity of metallic rings in general as well as the snug fit of rings around most peoples’ fingers. Say you catch the corner of the ring on some type of exercise equipment, you risk a snag or fall situation in which the ring gets caught, and your skin tears with it in what is called a ring avulsion injury. This is incredibly painful and may be debilitating. 

Outside of rings, however, most jewelry can be safely worn with the right precautions. Generally stated, you want to avoid any type of jewelry that snugs too tight to the skin, such as choker necklaces, but also avoid anything too loose and dangling as those also increase the risk of getting caught on something and torn from you. 

Choosing the Right Quality Jewelry for Working Out

After jewelry style, the next thing to look at is what your jewelry is made out of. That’s because when you work out, invariably you will sweat. That sweat contains two things most metals hate the most: Water and Salt. Jewelry that is comprised largely or in full from a base metal of copper, nickel, or brass, is especially sensitive to degrading when exposed to sweat. They will corrode and often will leave an ugly green or blackish staining on the skin.

The good news is that if you choose quality pieces or non-metallic pieces, you won’t have these issues at all. For example, where gold-plated jewelry is sensitive to water like those aforementioned base metals, gold-filled beads are not due to their unique construction. When buying and choosing beads jewelry making supplies for making your own pieces, consider wood, pearl, or similar non-metal beads as your prime workout jewelry.

Visit Our Online Store for More Options

So are you ready to make and build up your own workout jewelry? Visit our online shop to get started so you can enjoy pieces that make you feel better as you get your body in better shape.

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Do Swarovski Crystals have Resale Value?

Do Swarovski Crystals have Resale Value?

Swarovski crystal jewelry and art have enjoyed lasting popularity. Designers love the sparkling crystals, and collectors can’t get enough. But do Swarovski crystals have resale value? The worth of Swarovski crystals is closely tied with their availability or rarity, historical significance, and replacement value. 

Narrowed Sales Channels in 2021 Boost Secondary Market Value

Swarovski determines how many crystals it will produce. It has frequently used this tactic over the years to create exclusive products. Once the pre-determined quota is met, a piece is retired. These discontinued pieces hold their value in the secondary market. Swarovski pieces are bought and sold in many online marketplaces, enjoying an increase in value and demand due to their limited availability. Prices in the secondary market are relatively stable. However, recent news may indicate an upcoming rise in the value of Swarovski crystal jewelry and art.

The company’s recent announcement surrounding changing business practices may give crystal values a boost. The amount of time available to purchase Swarovski crystal beads online may be limited. In order to make crystals more exclusive and boost prices, Swarovski plans to stop supplying loose crystals and to many jewelry brands and third-party resellers, turning their focus to apparel and accessories in the luxury market. 

Determining Swarovski Crystal Value on the Secondary Market 

A number of factors impact the value of crystals on the market, whether you’re buying or selling a more widely available Swarovski crystal heart pendant or limited edition figurine. These include:

• Availability

The rarer the piece, the higher the value. Retired or discontinued pieces can be especially valuable.

• Country of origin

Limited access to online marketplaces drives up value, while access to an abundance of secondary resellers may lead to lower values.

• Condition

Typically, only broken, chipped crystals decrease in value – though this scenario is exceedingly rare. Swarovski crystal pendants, beads, and flat back stones are made of extremely durable glass. With the rare exception of occasional glue discoloration in some older pieces, they rarely show signs of aging. 

• Packaging

Original packaging increases the value of Swarovski crystals. Authentic Swarovski packaging boxes are critical to the value of the piece, particularly with limited or numbered edition pieces, where packaging is fitted to the shape of the item. 

• Certificates

Like any numbered or limited edition item, a certificate of authenticity is integral to resale value. The number on the certificate must match the number on crystals precisely. Like original packaging, there is no substitute or replacement. 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to add the authentic beauty of Swarovski crystals to your jewelry. Shop the expansive selection of jewelry making supplies wholesale at Crystal Findings today. Our authentic Swarovski crystal beads and pendants come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, including affordable Swarovski factory packs. Add the lasting radiance and value of Swarovski crystals to your upcoming design today.

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Wearing Swarovski Rings Everyday: Is It a Good Idea?

Rose Gold Bead

Can Swarovski Jewelry be worn every day? Swarovski lovers know there’s never a wrong time to showcase your shimmering jewelry. Swarovski crystal jewelry pairs as beautifully with casual attire as it does with evening wear. But how often is too often when it comes to donning your jewelry?

Wearing Swarovski Rings at Home

Sporting a planet-sized Swarovski crystal ring and matching Swarovski crystal heart pendant while you’re ambling around your home is probably not high on your to-do list. But there are plenty of simple, smaller designs perfect for everyday at-home wear. While the composition of gold-filled and sterling silver ring designs withstand daily wear-and-tear, Swarovski crystals are best kept away from water. Clear stoned rings stand up to handwashing, but it’s best to remove your rings before doing the dishes or other cleaning tasks requiring the submersion of your hands in water and cleaning chemicals.

Larger Swarovski crystal stones, colored crystals, and crystals with surface effects and coatings are best removed before contact with water, including hand washing. If your rings do get dull or dirty, you can refresh them with a quick wash in lukewarm water and a couple of drops of mild soap. Dry it thoroughly with a soft, lint-free cloth. Avoid commercial jewelry cleaners and sonic cleaning devices, which are too rough for your carefully crafted Swarovski components.

Wearing Swarovski Rings at Work

Dying to wear your Swarovski rings to work? Dress codes vary by industry, from nearly non-existent to policies in which larger, flashier Swarovski rings are not appropriate. In this case, smaller, more conservative ring styles such as monotone and rose gold bead designs offer a more understated yet nevertheless beautiful option.

Wearing Swarovski Rings on the Go

Swarovski crystal jewelry is the ideal travel companion, and a great alternative to risking irreplaceable heirloom pieces on the road. Swap out your engagement ring for a Swarovski stand-in for worry-free travels.

Wearing Swarovski Rings at the Beach

It is perfectly safe to wear your Swarovski rings at the beach, so long as you’re mindful of your activities. Swarovski crystals shine beautifully in the light and are not damaged by the sun. If you plan on building a sandcastle or playing in the waves, however, Swarovski jewelry is best removed to avoid damage from sand and seawater.

Wearing Your Swarovski Rings to Special Events

Swarovski is known for its striking, oversized cocktail rings. They are the perfect complement to evening attire, making a bold statement. Oversized and detailed Swarovski ring designs are best removed before handwashing. A word of caution, however: If your rings have sharp edges, be careful when wearing them with soft fabrics like chiffon and cashmere.

Create your own stunning Swarovski crystal ring designs. Shop Swarovski crystal beads wholesale at Crystal Findings today.

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